What is Shamanic Healing?

Shamanic healing is a profound method of holistic healing that has been practiced by indigenous cultures around the world for centuries. At its core, shamanic healing is based on the belief that illness and imbalance are often caused by disturbances in the individual's energy field or spiritual disconnection from the natural world. Shamans, who are regarded as spiritual guides and healers within their communities, work to restore harmony and balance by addressing the root causes of illness on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels.

Q'ero shamanism, originating from the Q'ero people of the Peruvian Andes, is a specific branch of shamanic healing deeply rooted in the rich spiritual traditions of the Andes Mountains. Central to Q'ero shamanism is the concept of "ayni," which refers to the sacred reciprocity and interconnectedness of all beings. Shamans believe that maintaining a harmonious relationship with the natural world and honoring the spirits of the land and ancestors is essential for well-being and spiritual growth.

In Q'ero shamanism, the concept of "munay" or love is fundamental. Munay represents the unconditional love and compassion that shamans channel in their healing work. By cultivating a deep sense of love and compassion, shamans are able to create a healing space where individuals can experience profound transformation and healing at the soul level.

Andean energy medicine, which encompasses Q'ero shamanism among other indigenous healing practices of the Andes region, focuses on restoring balance and harmony to the individual's energy field or "kawsay." According to Andean cosmology, kawsay is the life force energy that permeates all living beings and the universe. Shamans work with this energy to remove blockages, restore vitality, and promote well-being on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels.

One of the key practices in Q'ero shamanism and Andean energy medicine is the "despacho" ceremony, a sacred ritual offering to the earth and spirit beings. Despacho ceremonies involve the creation of intricate mandalas made from various natural ingredients such as flowers, seeds, and herbs, each carrying symbolic significance. Through prayers, intentions, and offerings, shamans use despacho ceremonies to honor the spirits, express gratitude, and seek blessings for healing and abundance.

Another important aspect of Q'ero shamanism is the practice of "saminchakuy," which involves energetic cleansing and purification. Shamans use tools such as feathers, rattles, and sacred plants like Palo Santo or sage to clear stagnant energy and remove energetic intrusions. Saminchakuy helps individuals release heavy emotions, traumas, and negative patterns, allowing for greater clarity, vitality, and spiritual connection.

In addition to energy clearing, Q'ero shamans also specialize in "kuti," which means to blow or infuse energy. Kutis are energetic transmissions performed by the shaman to restore balance and vitality to the individual's energy field. By channeling healing energy from the earth and the cosmos, shamans help to replenish and revitalize the individual's kawsay, promoting healing and well-being.

The concept of "pachamama," or Mother Earth, holds great significance in Q'ero shamanism and Andean energy medicine. Shamans view the earth as a living, sentient being deserving of reverence and respect. Through rituals, offerings, and ceremonies, shamans seek to cultivate a harmonious relationship with pachamama, recognizing her as a source of wisdom, healing, and nourishment.

Q'ero shamans also work closely with the "apu," or mountain spirits, which are revered as powerful guardians and allies. Mountains are considered sacred in Andean cosmology, serving as conduits between the earthly realm and the spiritual world. Shamans engage in rituals and offerings to honor the apus, seeking their guidance, protection, and blessings for healing and spiritual growth.

Overall, Q'ero shamanism and Andean energy medicine offer profound insights and practices for healing, transformation, and spiritual awakening. Rooted in ancient wisdom and a deep reverence for the natural world, these traditions provide a powerful framework for individuals seeking to reconnect with their inner essence, restore balance and harmony, and journey towards wholeness and self-realization.


"I was referred to Phillia from a friend who I saw profound positive changes happening to her in many ways. I went to a session and had no expectations and I was blown away!!!

The whole session lasted 90 minutes. I got to lay there and just relax while she did every thing, from burning sage, to aromatherapy sprays, to chanting and singing (She has the most beautiful voice it gave me chills the entire time!), to using a rattle in which she began seeing visions of what happened to me when i was a child and also a few past lives where I suffered trauma. Each time she blew these soul parts back into my chakras. She even brought me back a 'power animal', the butterfly, who she said is to be a spirit guide of mine.

It's been three months since my healing and OMG my life is changing so much. I feel less anxious and less depressed. I feel like I have more energy and more hope for my life. I still am in the process of figuring out what it is that I really want to do with my life, but it's made me feel more confident and strong about myself. I feel like my future is brighter than ever, and I feel more peace inside too. I did have to go through some major changes like breaking up with my boyfriend and losing a job that I hated, but I can see now that these are the things that I actually wanted to happen, but I was too afraid to make it happen, if this makes sense. I feel more like myself than I ever have before. I guess this is because my soul parts are back, like she explained.

There is something magical about what she does and who she is. It's like there is a light all around her that feels really loving and grounded. 

I highly, highly recommend giving this healing a try. I will certainly be back soon for another go to work on deeper issues that are coming up for me. It's truly quite amazing and now I'm so into this shamanic stuff, it all just makes sense.

- June C.


I had an absolutely blissful experience at my Shamanic healing with Phillia. She is a gem and her healings are a gift and such a moving experience! I've had 2 healings with her so far and am already looking forward to the next time I can see her again. She is extremely insightful and guides you on a journey through past lives, in sighting wisdom and powerful messages from your past. There is so much magic and healing that happens through the course of your time with her, it's easy to forget you are in Brooklyn, NY or even on this planet. There's much more to her healings but I don't want to ruin the experience for you;  you must go in and see for yourself. Everyone's experience is unique although I promise, you won't be disappointed. she is gentle and kind and enlightening! The experience profoundly changed my outlook on life and my life. It was a beautiful experience both times. blessed service in a blessed environment. True bliss! 

- Molly S.


I had an amazing Shamanic healing with Phillia. I had never had a shamanic healing before but a friend recommended Phillia's services for energy clearing and clarity. I was completely comfortable throughout the healing, and felt subtle shifts and awakenings (very appropriate!). The most interesting part was that I was flying to CA later that day, and while traveling over an 8 hour period I had three full meals and was still hungry! There was definitely some major energies lifted and I will go back to see Phillia the next time I'm in NYC.

- Kara D.


I had a heart wrenching trauma which ended in multiple suicide attempts as well as painful addiction for close to a decade. My soul was loss, I was numb, I could no longer connect with The Creator let alone my inner my soul parts. I got rid of my substance addiction through 12 step program, worked diligent on the 12 step program which allowed me to make “conscious contact with the Creator” again, however, there were parts of me that were lost through multiple traumas. Fortunately, found a Trauma Therapist who allowed me to process the inner most pain which I did not process for I did not have a safe “place” or “person” to  go through pain with compassion.  After 2 years of Trauma Therapy, and working 12 Step program daily- I was stuck. A friend of mine mentioned about going to see an Urban Shaman Healer to retrieve my “loss soul,” as well as to “cut cords” from my abusers. 

My experience, when I first met Phillia- she was love and light. No ego, pure love and compassion. Phillia allowed me to record our session, she listened to my traumas and whom I wish to cut the cords with. I was given a blanket to cover my body to keep me warm, while Phillia went through the songs and rattle dance to enter the Spirit World. In her chants, Phillia spoke rapid speech as if the Spirit World were speaking through her (I was aware of this talk based on my past experiences with Native American and Aboriginal Healers), there was no emotion as in judgment as to what happened only re-telling of parts of my souls which were lost in time and space. For 90 minutes Phillia was able to identify who and what happened, where I was lost, and to cancel out the cords of the past. When our session ended, Philia called in wind spirit (best way I could describe), she then blew the wind energies into my Third Eye, followed by my right ovary. Here are the mystical facts of my experiences:

1. I was under a heavy blanket and fully clothed, yet I could feel the warm stream of wind energies being blown straight into my ovary. 

2. I discussed with my therapist before seeing Phillia how when I am calm, in mediation mode can feel my right ovary in pain. My therapist attributed it to my body holding trauma, so it was a jaw drop of “How did Phillia know it was specifically my right ovary that was in pain without me telling her?” 

Post the 90 minutes spent with Phillia, I was tired. Exhausted. Phillia mentioned to me “you will be lethargic but it is normal, it is as if we are re-booting a new IOS version of Victoria.” My body for a week was tired, I slept and ate and slept more. My body and mind felt as if I was in shut down mode being re-booted to an upgrade. After a week of deep sleep, I felt brighter clear and stronger. 

I wish I could tell you, it was only one session with Phillia and I was cured. This however is mystical work, not Western Medicine surgery or pain killers. My wounds were deep, from August through October I would mediated on my right ovary feeling a while leakage. During mediation would try to envision golden light to heal the white leakage from dripping. Phillia worked with me through trauma and sexual healing by going into my deep subconscious to assist me in claiming back my power. 

At the time, I was in a relationship with Sex Addict whom I allowed to put a lot fear and anxiety in me. Who took my body to do whatever he wanted with it, if I were to say “no,” he would have what is known as sexual rage disorder aka become violent with me, berate me, and then have his mental break down expecting me to take care of him because he was having a panic attack after he verbally, emotionally and mentally abused me. In October of 2017 my right ovary explode in pain, to which, Phillia sent me texts telling me “you organ is crying- I can feel it.” Phillia encouraged me to continue to meditate, to work on myself. I went to see two Gyno surgeons, the first surgeon told me “we need to remove both your ovaries and cervix.” The second Surgeon told me “the human body is not meant to be cut up, while there is a mass on your right ovary it is non cancerous. The mass could be adhesion from trauma, it is real because you are experiencing pain whenever I go near your right ovary.” This Surgeon advised “take the next 5 months off to heal yourself, to let your body rest and do what you can holistic. If I were to cut you open, I might cause more damage to that area which has been traumatized 5 times already.” 

Since Phillia is a plant based Shaman aka Medicine Woman, she not only met my pain with compassion and love while I cried and cried. Phillia suggested CBD oils with non THC to heal my ovary. I was against the idea of using CBD oil (even though there is no THC) because I am in addiction recovery. Then in December 2018, my ex Sex Addict boyfriend became physically abusive because I shelled sex for 9 days in order to heal my ovary. The fear and anxiety of having that abusive relationship was the straw which broke the camels back, in my situation, led to painful- crippling muscle spasms in which all I could was cry, take baths and mediate. Phillia then asked me to be open to CBD oils, which I gave in. Phillia gave me specific instructions on how to take CBD oil orally as well as mix the CBD oil with essential oils to rub on my back to quite the muscle spasms. I did as Phillia advised, as well as continued the mediation work Phillia prescribed for me. 

It is now end of April, while my right shoulder and neck muscles are still tight- the muscle spasms went away. My ovarian pain is gone. Gone as in October I could not walk couple of feet without hunching over in pain, let a lone go to the gym. Today I am able to go to the gym do 20-30 minutes of cardio, weights, and then an hour of yoga stretches. I am free of the ovarian pain, the psychic leakage is healed. 

The work with Phillia is not only less expensive than Western Medicine it is also less invasive. I get to keep my cervix and ovaries. What a gift to not have to go on synthetic hormones. However, the greatest gift on working with Phillia I was able to leave an abusive relationship because my soul lost parts returned to me- the power which Phillia promised return allowing me to stand up to all my abusers past and present, and leave them. I am now able to love myself, honor myself, nurture myself, to know my birthright to peace, to freedom, to have a value and place in this world is a priceless gift.  With all my heart, I thank you Phillia Downs for doing what you do with love, with compassion, with unconditional support. I am fortunate to have an Urban Shaman Healer as Phillia to re-claim my soul back to my present body as a safe place.

If you are reading this, can identify with my story- then please give Phillia- Plant Shaman Medicine Healer a chance to re-claim all parts of you that are lost. You will feel brighter, clearer, more powerful because your soul returned home.

- Victoria M.


Hi Philia. I want to share with you that today the miracle happened.  I felt the release of anger, blame, resentment, and expectations of the people on my list of cords that were cut for me during my soul retrieval with you. The pain that I felt from the deliberate hurt, manipulation, and disloyalty now feel like a lifetime ago. I feel so far removed from the victimization and it feels like the pain and anger have been replaced with forgiveness and compassion. I feel so light and it feels so weird to be thankful even for their roles. My obsessive thoughts have stopped. I used to not be able to NOT think about the things that were done to me and I felt so stuck in my thoughts and negative emotions. I never really thought that I could totally forgive them all. It was a deep desire, but I would always try and try and I could never fully release the anger and blame. I don’t see them as vampires anymore but instead I see them as angels of darkness. The beauty in this for me was the pivotal point where I feel comfort and gratitude now, understanding fully that darkness is always the catalyst for evolution. I get that it was part of my journey and my process. Had I not experienced those things then I would not be me. I am going to write the review as I promised. I decided that I would wait for a month so that I can share the depth pf my experience. I thank you so very much for being an angel of light. 😇 I just wanted to send gratitude your way. I can feel the shift and this powerful protected energy all around me. It’s feels so loving and blessed. I am being led to soooooo much information that I am not searching for. And it feels so effortless and right. The universe is aligning everything to support my new life filled with the abundance of the love,  joy, peace, fortune and financial success, confidence, security, and more evolution than I can even wrap my brain around! Thank you for blessing me with such a beautiful and precious gift of your time, spiritual gifts, and beautiful heart!

— Elizabeth M.


When I started my journey with Phillia I knew I was in for it. Even before we started talking I could feel the energy building.

After just one session with her I was almost instantly connected to my spiritual self. I saw things and felt things I have never felt before.

And so many amazing things happened to me after our session. My spiritual connection and my own healing abilities surfaced and I live with that reality now. I also was able to overcome my past experiences that have adversely affected my life.

My outlook on life is different as I see myself more of a spiritual person and care about people more. I also feel I want to continue and pursue this path. As I realize this is about life itself. And more importantly helping others. Do not wait start your journey today.

Dan S.




Hope your having a good week.

So the half way point you were spot on! I was beyond exhausted 9 days total actually. I would come home from work and just sleep the exhaustion was so intense. I have never felt so tired in all my life.

Now I am a little over 30 days and sometimes I’m baffled by the person I am. I love it!! I don’t get triggered like I used to by things or situations. I feel so at ease and content with who I am. I love who I am!!!

I also signed up for an apprenticeship working with herbs. I’m reading about plants and making my own oils, teas and tinctures with herbs and I love it!

I really can’t explain into words how I feel other than I feel so whole and peaceful.

I want to thank you for thatand sharing your gifts. It has made such a powerful impact on me. It has allowed me to align with who I truly am. Thank you thank you!!!



Hi! I wanted to update you with my progress. I have noticed some clear, little differences. 

It feels good to have a sense of that autonomy in my marriage, which I realize I haven't had in a long while.

What I can say is that I'm developing a different perspective in my mind...understanding what I don't feel good about, but knowing certain things won't change...and 'accepting' it (as best I can) for what it is and taking responsibility to work around it rather than mope about it. 

I'm still not confident this is the right answer...but it's a work in progress and I guess I've been feeling less frustrated with him, which can't be a bad thing!  Unless if it's resignation...

I still very much appreciate all of your work with me!

There is so much to look forward to!  There is a desire to maintain that feeling...hopefully of autonomy and not sheer control.  It will be some time until I know if that was a one moment push, or a new pathway for me. We will will see. 

I wish the very best for you as well!  And thank you, again, for taking the time to respond with your thoughts. You bring lightness to my spirit that is both uplifting and reengergizing!

Elizabeth L.


I can’t express how on point you were. I’m dissecting everything but you’re incredible! Thank you!



Hi Phillia, Happy Friday, I hope all is well, wanted to check in with you, thank you, and tell you that the soul retrieval feels really good even after week two, like pieces of a puzzle coming together. I'm noticing a sense of calm that I didn't have before too.

The recordings are so beautiful, and insightful I can't thank you enough for the session, and for holding the space for me, you're amazing

Julie G.


Thank you so much for such a beautiful session. I’m amazed at how the relationships of people from past lives interact in precisely the same way in this life, its mind blowing to me.

Thank you also for the important dates to be mindful of, I have a feeling that once the integration has been complete that’s when all of the pieces of the puzzle (me) will come together.

I’m always amazed at how much stronger I feel and how things start coming together and making sense.

So much love, respect, and appreciation for all that you are and all that you do.

Jenny L.


Thank you for reviving my heart again and again with the power and magic of your Love. I am truly grateful.

Sarah S.

I HIGHLY recommend a Shamanic Healing with Phillia. I was extremely skeptical before I tried it, thinking that it would be just a "dog and pony show" and a bunch of  clichés about  "Love & Light", but it isn't at all. The session is such a wonderful experience for all of the senses and Phillia is truly a powerful conduit and so intelligent and caring. With each healing I have received I have become more courageous and more powerful.  I love that I can enjoy this gift from the ancients, right here in our little neighborhood. I have also given these healings to my friends as gifts and they were all really happy with it.

- Ira D


When I am older and I reflect back on my life, my healings with Phillia will definitely be a pin-drop on my timeline. I've had two healings with her and they have both been magical and insightful. The Shamanic healings are both powerful and beautiful experiences that have helped me clarify my path to happiness. With Phillia's gentle approach and her soft voice, she has made the experience through my past lives with the soul retrieval process, a comfortable journey. There's not a day that goes by then I don't think about my healings...

- Manu S.


Phillia is an incredible Shamanic Healer. Every heard of it? Nope me either. One day I tried it and I highly recommend it!  Are you feeling a little lost, depressed or confused about what to do in life, have some emotional baggage from your ex, feeling stuck in a rut? Now, I am not saying that this is the secret to heal all your woes. But I cannot deny the scientific outcome or feeling I experienced during and after the healing. Brought tears of joy to my eyes BOTH times! 

Phillia's powerful voice is like magic and it gives me chills. Her positive energy and smile are one in a million. She really makes the experience and in the months after both of my shamanic healings I fell out of my rut and became more successful and I am feeling more spiritually powerful than ever. You have to try it! 

Oh and my sprit animal is the Eagle, thats some powerful shit! And apparently, I have the power to shift to the Monkey when I need creative solutions and have to be quick on my feet. 

- Brett L.


I recently got a Shamanic Healing from Phillia and it was a mind blowing experience. She was a lot younger than I expected, but her energy is so clear and you can tell she is genuine and sincere. And even though I just met her, I felt like I could instantly trust her, and I found myself sharing things with her I have never told anyone. And I am quite a shy person, so it's hard for me to open up to people. I have never done anything like this before, but it has changed my life profoundly. I can't even explain how it works, but it seems to be quite magical and it WORKS. I came to her because I felt stuck in my life in many areas - my work, my relationship and my health in general. After the healing, it was like everything in my life started to open up pretty quickly. I found that I could make healthier changes in my life and was able to communicate to my friends things that I was afraid to. I had the courage to leave a job I hated, and was able to find one in a much nicer environment. I feel in general, I am opening up more to people, life and love. All in all, I can say she changed my life for the better. I can't wait to see her again.

- Chloe S.


My session with Phillia was just WOW. Mind blowing and astounding. I have never experienced anything like it. It was so powerful and life changing, phillia is one of the most powerful healers I have ever met and I am in love with her work. Phenomenal woman.

- Keeley O. London, UK


Phillia has been in my life for around 7 or 8 years and every interaction I’ve ever had with her has been in complete sincerity and generosity. She is a true healer, and when you meet her she has an energy that instantly calms you. Phillia goes above and beyond in her work and exudes love and nurturing in all her healing sessions. 

Sessions with Phillia have provided me with information about my past lives that I can learn from every day, and likely will for the rest of my life. The depth of understanding you can receive about yourself and the way your soul has chosen to navigate your lives during past life regression sessions with Phillia is awe inspiring, powerful and absolutely invaluable. As a client of many years and many sessions I can assure you, if you don’t understand the information she provides right away, you WILL. Her shamanic healings are truly deeply healing, and I will be forever grateful and thankful for the knowledge she has provided me with. 

- Summer R.




Phillia was truly someone that I never expected to meet in this busy world. I believe the universe brings people together for a reason especially at those moments when you least expect it. Her name in Ancient Greek means love, and this is precisely the energy I felt when the universe brought us together and the type of healing and guidance I was looking for. 

She is at the forefront of change in the holistic community and her gifts of Shamanic and Earth based magic is invaluable to the growth of her clients. It changed my life forever and put me on the right path instead of resisting my instincts. Her regression therapy and soul retrieval methods are unlike any other experiences I’ve had. The shamanic cleansing she does reaches beyond space and time to fully integrate the necessary healing we all need. 

She has a deep understanding of Love, Universal Consciousness and Sexual Creativity which changed my life forever. Phillia, unlike any other, gives her whole being to draw out what we don’t see in ourselves. What she channels is invaluable and forever sustainable in this busy world we all live in. 

- Shane M.


Hi, my name is Robert. I recently had a soul retrieval done for me by the most caring and beautiful person Phillia Downs. Before I had this done, I was really an empty shell with a shattered soul. My whole life I just existed, not feeling any feelings or joy or love. I was a completely broken empty vessel, totally disconnected from life and everyone in it. When Phillia began our session, she explained every thing and right away I felt each part of my soul she retrieved and now my whole body is feeling things I've never felt in my whole life. Being that everything is new, she has been so helpful letting me ask questions about things. I'm feeling she is totally the real caring extremely talented shaman. I'm so very glad I had her perform my retrieval. She has saved my life in every way, and I am extremely happy to know her thank you Phillia for everything.

— Robert H.


At 47 I had recently learned that I had been suffering from CPTSD for my entire life  from childhood trauma which was induced by severe abuse having been raised in an entire family of narcissists.  I was over the top excited to finally be able to pair a name with my life experiences that  as a result I’d only known severe depression, extreme anxiety, hyper-vigilance, sadness, isolation, and dissonance. While finally being able to call the thing a thing felt like a 1000 tons of weight from a lifetime of disappointments and pain had been lifted off of me; just the mere fact that I had finally been able to now embrace that I wasn’t crazy, unloveable, or damaged after all felt indescribable. Finally I felt like I could breath yet this was only the beginning of the deep inner healing that I empathically needed to even start to make sense of who I really was. I had spent my entire life being confused, angry, in survival mode, and being totally disconnected from myself. 

I had been diligently working with my trauma therapist for 5 months and I was making so much progress with my recovery but my therapist kept suggesting that I slow down with the pace that my healing, growth, and expansion was happening. She assumed that I was trying to force the healing to happen faster and she didn't want me to regress. I was not  intentionally trying to rush things but instinctively I was being led to information every day that resonated with me and the expansion was happening fast on its on, but there was still this “ stuckness" that I felt. I knew that as hard as I had tried over the years to forgive my parents, grandparents, my aunts and uncles, my ex husband, my son’s father, my sister, my best friend of 30 years, my boss of 8 years, and sadly enough my own only child. I had felt like I was living in prison at times and alternatively in hell at other times, and sometimes both at once having been born into my family, then choosing to be in relationships with energy vampires and abusers because it was all that I had known. I knew that I never felt “normal" but I dismissed it to the fact that I was cursed to live this life being unloved and unloveable and unable to fully love others, although I’ve always had a deep desire to be able to love from the depth of my soul. Discovering and processing to what degree I had been abused and that the people that were supposed to love and nurture me actually all had exploited, abused, and calculated and conspired to teach me self hate felt so overwhelming and the levels of betrayal that I felt ran so deep. It made me angrier. I felt so desperate to take my power back and I realized that in order to live the life that I desire and deserve, my authentic life I needed to really forgive all of these people. I was tired of living in unforgiveness and it was manifesting in my physical body. I have had 7 surgeries in the past 5 years I was still in chronic pain while dealing with the reality of my life where I lacked the ability to love myself even a little.  

Although I was experiencing quantum leaps with my recovery, I still felt like I didn’t have the full support that I needed from my therapist and I started to feel nervous that my growth would turn stagnate as a result. I didn't want to slow down because my dominant intention was to move forward at whatever speed my process was manifesting on its own. I had no idea about who, what, when, where, or how the Universe would provide the means to the information about my next step. I was blessed to randomly find Phillia’s website as I had first learned of Shamanism about 3 months ago. When I contacted her she replied to my e-mail and advised that she was in Peru and that she would reach out to me upon her return to the states which she did a few weeks later. In the meantime, I continued with my journey and I went to see a shaman the following week. The experience that I had was less than positive and it left me feeling skeptical and stressed during and after the session. I felt like, “OK that was that and on to the next thing.” When Phillia contacted me two weeks later to schedule our appointment, I had not responded right away because of my previous experience which was very disenchanting to say the least. I was also learning to listen to my intuition which had instructed me to be still and quiet to wait for my instruction. I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to give it another try or not. After another week or so passed Phillia and I corresponded and I asked her if I could ask her a few questions about the process? She agreed and we had a phone conversation which led to an appointment. I live in Ohio so our session was via FaceTime. Phillia assured me that the results would be 100000% the same as in person. I obviously didn’t know what to expect as my first encounter with the other person was odd. It has now been about 6 weeks since I had the Energy Cord Cutting and Soul Retrieval and I am truly grateful for the experience. Phillia is such a beautiful, kind, giving, authentic, loving, gentle spirit and the fact that the universe led me to her is a testament of how things work out when we are in the states of love, listening, non-resistance, and allowing. I have FINALLY been able to release the anger, blame, pain, and all of the negative energy that had festered in my mind and body for 47 years and it feels like I have won the mega lottery! I had been so afraid that I would eventually die feeling unfulfilled and lonely. Now, I look in the mirror and I see a beautiful, kind, loving, successful, sensitive, giving, bright, creative, talented, brilliant, confident, lovable, adorable, sexy, authentic, strong, soft, perfect, flawed, joyous, happy, grateful, woman who is accepting and appreciative for my childhood and all of the people who helped me to discover what I do not want, which has led me down this beautiful journey of all of the things that I do want; the ability to be my authentic self and own it, self love, self discovery, self respect, self nurturing, self confidence, self acceptance, self forgiveness, and forgiveness and love for all others. The cords were cut and I feel a transformative, healing love flowing from within me. Phillia, thank you for truly being an angel of love and light and for helping me to affirm that darkness is always a strong catalyst for evolution. I appreciate you for your contribution to my healthy life journey. 



Seriously that session felt like a huge release and I certainly felt an outpouring of your love.

You are magical, and I am so grateful that spirit lead me to you in this lifetime. You are a gift and I am so grateful to be able to lean on you for your gifts and guidance.

I think the absolute world of you, and I’m endlessly grateful to you and your insights. You are such a gift, and I’m so blessed to know you and have interacted with you; even if only in the smallest of capacities.

Mark had said after his consult with you that “Phillia is pure starlight condensed.”

I couldn’t agree more. I have much love for you and I’m sending the largest of hugs your way.



I want to thank you so much for this experience it has connected so many things for me that I had questions about, you have no idea.

You have no idea how much you have given already. You have helped bring our soul family back together. There is no doubt in my mind that you are part of all of this as well, helping us remember!

And you have played your roll beautifully!! We will forever be in gratitude!

I also have been having some really profound dreams since our session and I get this very strong feeling that I am receiving tons and tons of information in my dreams and when I wake up I always have a particular thought that moves me to research and leads me down the path to something that I can add to my toolkit to help people even more, related to frequencies and spiritual healing!!



Thank you for the reading, you were spot on. So many things you knew I didn’t tell you. I’m amazed and so grateful and looking forward to my next chapter of life!

Leila M.


Phillia if not for your recent soul retrieval and dealing with all my negativety you never gave up on me and if not for you I doubt I any of this amazing awakening would not be possible I never was able to say this but I love you and thanks for changing the course of my life you are the true teacher and path finder and an excellent shaman

I feel much more free from all that darkness I guess now I was ready you gave me back some I never met my true self you truly are amazing and your caring gives you so much more energy thats why I'm glad I met you because if I never met you I would have been gone. All because of your not giving up on me and the retrievals

Richard I.


Thanks you for sharing your powerful heart medicine and being an ally to help retrieve mine!

Thank you for seeing ME!!

Nikki F.


Love you and so grateful for your spiritual gifts. Sending you love and light! Keep shining.

Brittany P


Dear Phillia,

Thank you thank you thank you! I am filled with so much gratitude for my session with you!!!

Sending love to you!



Omigosh!  THANK YOU so very much!  This was such a blessing to have our inherent thoughts, behaviors & ideas validated!  David did not expect the wonderful reading that he got!  I am not so surprised...LOL!  

Your intuitiveness left us both in deep thought and reverence for the world beyond worlds.

We both send you much love and light & with gratitude for this perfect moment in time to help guide us on our journey in this lifetime.

Patty and Dave